Meet The Specialist

Stephanie Richardson
Answering God’s Call
Stephanie is passionate about her relationship and love for God as she surrendered her life to Him in July 1996. She lives to spread the good news and to share His word with those who are wayward and do not know Christ. She still espouses holiness and righteousness in a liberal and permissive culture. Her message is simply to let others know there is a better way in this life and that Jesus loves them. . She stands on the statement "People don't care how much you know until you show them how much you care".
Sharing Her Gifts to Help Others
Stephanie loves God and His people. She is the facilitator over the Evangelism Ministry and Youth ministry at Siloam Church International. She also teaches Sunday school, the New Member Orientation class, and is an Intercessor. She enjoys sharing God’s message outside of the four walls of the church in communities, cities, and places where His light is dim. Additionally, she loves to encourage women and remind them of their value to the Kingdom of God and help them see God’s purpose and plan for their lives. She volunteers and mentors young children and reaches youth especially young men through her passion and expertise in basketball and this gift has afforded her the opportunity to bring youth to Jesus Christ. She has served as a mentor for several non-profit organizations such as “Women Impacting A Nation”, Fickett Elementary School, and Hillside. She also serves on the board and is a team leader of Blossoming Vines Ministry, Inc.
Educational Background and Professional Affiliations
Stephanie was born and raised in Monroeville, Alabama where she attended Monroe County High School and graduated in 1987. She then matriculated to the University of South Alabama and graduated with a B.S. Degree in Accounting in 1991. In May of 2016, she received her M.A. Degree in Religious Studies at Beulah Heights University. On May 12, 2019 she was licensed to preach the gospel by her lead pastor Dr. Jonathon Carter.
Stephanie resides in Union City, GA and attends Siloam Church International where Jonathon Carter is the lead pastor and Dr. Sylvia Carter is the Co-Pastor. She has been employed with UPS Capital over the past 20 years.